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Public Domain Stock Footage German News No. 34 1943
Standard Definition - Quicktime: (24-hr. turnaround)
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Synopsis: Variety of German war footage from Coastal guns to German naval engagements to submarine combat against surface ships... (read more)
Information: 08:34 min BW (GERMAN LANGUAGE)
Show All WWII European TheaterTitles German News No. 34 - 1943
Shows large German coastal guns pointed at Great Britain during WWII. German soldier scans the cliffs of Dover along the coast of England. Large coastal guns are loaded and fired across the English Channel.

Shows a German minesweeper underway in the English Channel. A German battleship fights off attacks by allied planes, antiaircraft guns are loaded and fired, men run to battle stations, and an Allied bomber is shot down and crashes into the sea.

Gun camera footage of German aircraft shooting down Allied fighter plane in aerial combat. Shows German ships operating in rough seas of the English Channel. German gun crews man battle stations and fire at Allied ships.

German submarine (German U-boat) fires deck gun at allied freighter. Shows the freighter as it sinks. Submarine crew rushes from deck and closes hatch as German U-Boat prepares to dive. Interior of German U-Boat and submarine crew in action. German sub surfaces, crew exiting hatch. Survivors from sunk ship in lifeboat. Allied ship is hit by naval gunfire and sinks. German submarines, U-Boats, and ships.