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Public Domain Stock Footage Big Picture Okinawa
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Synopsis: Okinawa became the keystone of the Pacific against communist aggression in 1949-1950 as the world conditions changed and the United States need a military base in the Far East... (read more)
Information: 28 min BW
Show All Pacific Theater Titles Okinawa
Aerial views of Okinawa. Describes and shows scenes of early Okinawa. Hand cultivation and growing of rice. Commodore Matthew C. Perry monument at International Cemetery. Shows highly stylized oriental dances adopted from the Japanese culture.

World War II, WWII, scenes. Naval bombardment prior to invasion, landing crafts, assault troops landing on the beach, scenes of jungle fighting, combat. Shows artillery pieces firing, driving or flushing Japanese soldiers from the caves with explosives. Flame throwing tanks. Shows the rare surrender of Japanese soldiers. Scenes of the destruction of Naha, Capital of Okinawa. After the WWII the Island of Okinawa was littered with damaged war equipment and stockpiled material. It became known as the junk heap of the Pacific.

The United States began a massive building program in 1949 to make Okinawa a major military base. Excellent quality of footage of B-29 bombers taking off, in flight formation and single bomber, dropping bombs over Korea, and ground explosions of bombs. Heavy construction equipment building paved roads and highways on the island. A 1950's military base and training exercises under battlefield conditions.

Scenes of Okinawa in the '50's with military dependents and native Okinawans. People and street scenes. Okinawans at worship, children, schools. Scenes of a parade and celebration through the streets of Naha.