1) MLS Starb'd bow view, USS WARRINGTON (DD-843) underway at sea; zoom back, PAN R, starb'd beam view WARRINGTON underway at flank speed. F 2) MLS Starb'd beam view, KOTLIN Class DDG. VG 3) LS Port beam view, SVERDLOV Class Russian Cruiser, in silhouette. F 4) MLS PAN, MIRKA Class PCE underway (UX) . P 5) LS Starb'd bow view PCE underway astern of USS WARRINGT0N. F to P
6) LS Starb'd beam view, PCE cutting across stern of WARRINGTON. G 7) MLS Port beam view, PCE underway off beam of DD. F 8) MLS Starb'd beam view, NOVEMBER Class Nuclear Powered submarine underway, moving to R, on surface. 9) MCU Port bow view, PCE underway, moving into position between sub and WARRINGTON. G 10) MLS Port bow view, PCE, part of WARRINGTON in RFG; WARRINGTON makes a sharp turn. G to F
11) MLS Port beam view, PCE, part of WARRINGTON in LPG (SV). 12) MS Starb'd beam view, PCE; PAN R, to NOVEMBER Class-Sub underway on surface in BG, moving to L. G 13) MLS Starb'd beam view, PCE cutting across stern of WARRINGT0N. G 14) MS Port quarter view, PCE cutting across bow of WARRINGTON. G 15) MS Officer and man up in wing of bridge of WARRINGTON. G to F
16) MS Officers and men in starboard wing of bridge. F 17) MLS Stern view, PCE underway, starboard bow of WARRINGTON in LEG; NOVEMBER Class Sub in RBG. G 18) CU Port quarter view, PCE underway off starb'd bow of DD-843 (SV). G 19) HA CU Port side of PCE; PAN R, to stern. G 20) MS Starb'd beam view, PCE cutting in between sub and DD. G
21) HA CU PCE, side #883, close aboard DD. G 22) MLS Starb'd beam view, sub underway on surface. G 23) MLS Port quarter view, PCE, part of DD in FG. G 24) CU Wake of PCE, DD cutting across wake following sub in BG. G 25) MLS Starb'd beam view, Soviet Ocean going Submarine Support Sbip underway, of the DON Class. G
26) LS Port beam view, unidentified sub underway on surface. F 27) MS Port beam view, Russian DON Class ship underway. G to F 28) MLS Port beam view, 'Copter Carrier LENINGRAD, side #841. G 29) MLS Port beam view, KRESTA Class DLG underway, shore line in direct BG. G 30) MLS Starb'd beam view, MOSKVA Class 'Copter Carrier. G to F
31) MCU Signalman looking thru his long glass in MBG, as a photographer, on his 16MM motion picture camera, on a tripod, scans Soviet fleet. GtoF 32) MCU Officer using a long telephoto lens on his camera taking pictures of Russian ships. G to F 33) LA MCU PAN, British patrol aircraft on fly-by. 34) LA LS PAN, unidentified fighter in flight. F 35) HA MS Bow section of USS WARRINGTON. F
36) MCU PAN, along port side of Russian support ship. G to F 37) MS Port quarter view, Russian 'copter Carrier underway at slow speed. G 38) CU PAN, along port side of Carrier. F 39) MCU PAN, along port side of a KOTLIN Class DDG (OX). F to P 40) CU PAN, around bow of Russian DD at anchor.
41) CU PAN along port side of KASHIN Class DDG side #525. F 42) LA LS Russian TU-16 Class bomber in flight, in silhouette. 43) MS Port beam view, Soviet ship LENINGRAD, side #841. P 44) CU Front view; officer standing on weather deck of WARRINGTON; Russian ship is in BG (OX). F to P 45) MLS Port beam view, unidentified Frigate, side #F-46; Wessex type 'copter on after deck. G to F
46) MS Front view, Westland Wasp 'copter, United Kingom, side-slipping over after deck of WARRINGTON. G 47) LS Beam view, "Z" Class sub underway on surface. (OX) F to P 48) MLS Port beam view, KASHIN Class DDG. G 49) HA CU Starb'd bow area of HMS OLWEN, Side #8122; PAN L, to beam of British Tanker alongside WARRINGTON, during refueling at sea. G 50) MS Looking towards starboard after section of OLWEN, fuel line over to WARRINGTON. G
51) LS Starb'd quarter view, Soviet 'copter Carrier underway, in rough seas; ship is rolling and pitching. VG 52) CU Bow section of WARRINGTON, water is coming over the bow from starboard side to port; another breaker comes over bow, while ship is underway in the rough sea. G 53) HA MS Starb'd side of WARRINGTON, underway in rough seas (SV). VG 54) HA MCU Starb'd bow of WARRINGTON, sea is very rough; bow dips under the water, like the forward section of a sub. G 55) CU Looking down over port bow, ship underway in rough seas. (SV) VG
56) MLS Rough seas, high swells off side of WARRINGTON. VG 57) MS Looking out over starboard bow of ship, as ship rolls to starb'd, then to port; ship takes water over the bow, rolls and pitches badly. VG 58) MCU Rough seas off the side of ship; undt. ship in distant BG. VG 59) MLS Port beam view, Soviet 'copter Carrier underway in rough seas. G 60) MLS Port quarter view, Soviet ship LENINGRAD underway in rough seas VG
61) MLS Port beam view, LENINGRAD underway in clam seas; KA-25 Russian 'copter flies past port side of ship. G 62) LA MLS KA-25 'copter in flight. G 63) MCU Starb'd bow view, USS WILLIAM M. WOOD (DD-715) underway. G 64) CU Starb'd bow area of WOOD, showing #715. G 65) HA MS After section of WOOD alongside, several crewmen deck. G to F
66) MS Starb'd beam view, unidentified patrol craft underway. G 67) MS Starb'd beam view, Russian Trawler underway. G to F 68) MLS Starb'd beam view, KILDEN Class DDG underway. F 69) MCU Starb'd bow view, Soviet Oiler; PAN down starboard side. G to F 70) LS LS Starb'd quarter view, Soviet 'copter Carrier undrway, other ships in LBG. G to F