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Buyout Footage Logo - Public Domain Films and Royalty Free Stock Footage
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Public Domain Stock Footage The Big Picture NATO
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Synopsis: In 1949 twelve nations joined to gather to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization serving notice on the world that armed aggression against one would be considered an attack against all. This was in response to the Soviet Union aggressive move occupying smaller countries of Europe... (read more)
Information: 1949 BW 28 min
Show All Cold War Titles NATO

Shows soldiers and sailors arriving aboard ship and being greeted dockside by their families. Scenes of the the United Nations Assembly as delegates of the Soviet Union walk out. Shows parade of Russian troops. Map showing Soviet Union occupation of smaller countries after WWII. Communist agitators spreading discontent throughout Europe, people rioting, civil war in Greece.

Scenes of the signing of the NATO documents as President Truman looks on. Shows President Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower as General Eisenhower leaves to become Supreme Commander of all NATO forces. 14-second clip of a Lockheed Constellation or Connie taking off and in flight.

Shows build-up and training of NATO Forces. Scene of a shipboard depth charge launcher and depth charge explosion. In 1952 Eisenhower accepts nomination as President of the United States. Scenes of WE LIKE IKE BANNER, and I LIKE IKE BUTTON. Political banner & political button. General Eisenhower with General Matthew B. Ridgway. Scenes of NATO troop training including airborne and sea exercise. Footage of Martin B-61 Matador Missile, America's first pilotless bomber, is launched.