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Public Domain Stock Footage The Big Picture Citizen Soldier Taxpayer
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Synopsis: Operation Rollup was a massive undertaking of locating, transporting, and rehabilitating all types of war equipment abandoned on the Islands dotting the South Pacific after WWII... (read more)
Information: BW 29 min
Show All Korean War Titles Citizen, Soldier, Taxpayer

This Korean War film is about a little told story called Operation Roll-Up that was initiated by the War in Korea. It is a story of how ill prepared the United States was to furnish our troops the guns, ammunition, tanks, trucks, and other types of war material quickly needed at the outbreak of the Korean Conflict. It is also a story of American ingenuity.

Operation Rollup was a massive undertaking of locating, transporting, and rehabilitating all types of war equipment abandoned on the Islands doting the South Pacific after WWII. All of this work takes place in the factories of Japan by Japanese workers trained by Americans.

Former Army Secretary Frank Pace, Jr. uses Operation Roll Up encourage our troops to be cost conscious about their equipment emphasizing the soldier is also a taxpayer.

Shows Japanese plants, factories, and factory workers rebuilding trucks, engines, tanks, guns, and all types of equipment needed for war. Shows interior and exterior of large factories and the use of factory tools and equipment to re-build and manufacture parts and components.

Brief scenes of South Korean farmers going about their daily tasks, having a meal, plowing a field with oxen, and other work. Refugees fleeing and brief combat scenes after the attack on South Korea.