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Public Domain Stock Footage The West Wall 1939
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Synopsis: Documenting the construction of the Siegfried Line. Shows views of the German cities Freiburg, Heidelberg, Saarbrucken, Saarschleife, Mainz, Caub, Koblenz, Koln, and Aachen. Maps the site of the fortifications. Dr. Fritz Todt, German Engineer, studies plans, officers survey the land, and draftsmen draw plans. An animated chart depicts the Todt engineering organization. The ground is cleared, steel is made in mills, and railroads move supplies to the site. Workers arrive, march to the site, live in barracks, eat and construct and camouflage forts. Hitler, Todt, and staff arrive to inspect construction.

Shows antitank obstructions and trenches, barbed wire entanglements, and the French and German fortifications facing each other across the Rhine. An animated diagram shows the interlocking fields of fire from pillboxes. A column of German soldiers marches into an entrance of the Siegfried Line. Men and supplies move by train and elevators through tunnels and levels of the line. Shows various interior views of the fortifications. Ammunition is rushed to the surface by elevator during a drill. Barrage balloons are sent up and German fighter planes take off and fly over the Line.
Information: 1939 BW 22:31 min (GERMAN LANGUAGE)
Show All WWII European Theater Titles The West Wall 1939 - Building The Siegfried Line