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Public Domain Stock Footage Pentagon Report 1962 Cold War Events
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Synopsis: 1962 was a year of crisis in Asia, Berlin, and Cuba. The Pentagon Report tells how our Armed Forces meet every challenge and how Communism's guerrilla wars are being combated by counterinsurgency - a major development of the year. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara personally reports on progress in carrying out the President's program for defense of the free world and the President himself pays tribute to all who serve in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps in his 1963 Message to Congress... (read more)
Information: 1962 COL 28 min
Show All Cold War Titles Pentagon Report 1962 - Cold War Events

Communist Counter Insurgency In Vietnam
At the request of the South Vietnam Government American Military Advisors train the South Vietnam Military how to defend their country. South Vietnam soldiers on-board helicopters in flight, captured Viet Cong Communist Guerrillas, McNamara tours fortified hamlet, shows junk patrol, South Vietnam Paratroopers jumping from plane.

Cuban Missile Crisis
Shows aerial photograph of Cuban missile base, U.S Navy ships, planes being launched from aircraft carrier. Secretary of Defense remarks on instructions given by the President on the naval blockade of Cuba. More aerial photos of Cuban missile sites. President John Kennedy inspects American troops in Florida. Shows U.S. Marine garrison and reinforced positions at Guantanamo Bay Cuba.

When Communist attacks in Laos threatened the border with Thailand the U.S. responded quickly when Thailand called for help. The United States 7th fleet landed combat ready Marines in Bangkok. The Air Force flew in additional troops. In India arms were flown in by the U.S. Air Force when aid was requested.

Images of the Berlin Wall. American troops hold constant alerts as tank crews respond.

Pentagon Personnel and Our Military
Secretary of Defense McNamara address current defense budget. Shows Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962. Images of SAC, Strategic Air Command, Headquarters and bombers. Images of Civil Defense supplies. Women in all branches of service. Various military weapons systems. Launch of Polaris submarine, missile launched from Polaris submarine.

Images of the USS Enterprise air craft carrier, planes being launched, Cruiser USS Long Beach, Guided Missile Frigate Bainbridge, and the USS Albany firing three missiles simultaneously. Navy SEALS parachute into water, Army Special Forces, missile launches, remarks by President John F. Kennedy before Congress.