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Public Domain Stock Footage General George S Patton
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Synopsis: Documenting the life of a WWII military commander who lived for action and glory and is a study in duty, patriotism, and loyalty to his country and his men... (read more)
Information: BW 28 min
Show All WWII European Theater Titles General George S. Patton

No American military leader was more colorful and more successful, stepping forth like some warrior of old--to lead and inspire vast forces of men as his 3rd Army swept across Europe in the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Footage of WWI tanks, invasion of North Africa, invasion of Sicily, and combat footage of the 3rd Army in Europe. Shows 3rd Army tanks on icy roads and winter fighting in of the Battle of the Bulge. Close-up of soldier firing M-1 rifle and machine gun. Shows German POW's. Patton placing Medial of Honor around a soldier's neck. Images of Patton and Eisenhower at German concentration camps.

Ticker tape parade honoring Patton, General Doolittle introduces General Patton at ceremony in Los Angeles, California. Shows Patton at Soldiers Field Stadium in Chicago watching a Track and Field event. Shows Patton's flag draped casket and white cross as Patton is buried with the men of the 3rd Army that had fallen in the Battle of The Bulge. Shows General Patton's statue at West Point Military Academy.