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Public Domain Stock Footage Saigon Army Red Flag Over Hanoi
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Synopsis: Documenting the events in Hanoi Vietnam, formerly French Indochina, in October 1954 as the Army of Ho Chi Minh marched into Hanoi. The Geneva Accords of 1954 divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel into North and South Vietnam. The Viet Minh became the government of North Vietnam. The Geneva delegates agreed to an immediate cease fire and consent to a withdrawal of all troops to their respective territories with the Communist staying in North Vietnam. Non-Communist civilians and French Forces were moved to South Vietnam assisted by the United States in Operation Passage To Freedom... (read more)
Information: 1950s BW 26 min
Show All Vietnam War Titles Saigon Army - Red Flag Over Hanoi

Image of the red Viet Minh Flag with gold star in center. Shows Ho Chi Minh arriving at a meeting. Vo Nguyen Giap may also be present. Street scenes of Hanoi North Vietnam in 1954. French flag flies over abandoned airfield. Various scenes of military personnel, probably inspecting buildings and hangars at abandoned military airport. Shows USNS Hennepin, an American cargo ship in Haiphong North Vietnam harbor in support of Operation “Passage To Freedom”.

Shows American military personnel loading tanks onto the USS St. Clair County, LST-1096, an American tank landing ship. Convoy of military vehicles as French Forces depart Hanoi. Shows Viet Minh troops on streets of Hanoi. Various scenes as the Viet Minh Army march into Hanoi. Street scenes of troops waving helmets, banners, and civilians watching as Communist leaders arrive in Hanoi for departure of the French. Group of young Vietnamese children waving flags. Viet Minh Flag flies over government building.

Lines of French Army vehicles and troops leaving Hanoi to be loaded on U.S. ships in Haiphong Harbor to be transported to South Vietnam in “Operation To Freedom”. French Officers and Communist Leaders watch as French Military Band and French Union Troops pass in review leaving Hanoi after years of fighting the First Indochina War or French War in Vietnam.