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Public Domain Stock Footage The Fleet That Came To Stay
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Synopsis: Documents Task Force 58 in Operation Iceberg, the battle for Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands and a deadly air-sea battle against Japanese Kamikaze attacks day and night for three months. The ships and planes of Task Force 58 began the bombardment of Okinawa March 25, 1945... (read more)
Information: 1945 BW 21 min
Show All WWII Pacific Theater Titles The Fleet That Came To Stay

Close-up of a U.S. LSM(R) class landing ship firing rockets, guns of battleships firing, explosions on island, U.S. carrier planes pound Okinawa. Covering the south flank of Task Force 58, battleships and aircraft carriers of the British Royal Navy, Task force 57, neutralized the Japanese airfields in the Sakishima Islands with massive firepower and bombs.

Shows planes being launched from Task Force 58 aircraft carrier and bombing and strafing Japanese land and sea targets. U.S. Army and Marine Troops on landing craft headed toward beachhead. American troops wade ashore on Okinawa from landing craft and move inland looking for an enemy that had prepared defenses in the rugged interior of the island.

Shows all ships in TF-58 fighting a three-month battle against Japanese Kamikaze planes or suicide attacks intended to isolate American troops on Okinawa. Many Kamikaze planes are destroyed and others crash on or near their targets. U.S. Sailors fight fires and repair damages to ships caused by the Japanese Kamikaze attacks. Excellent footage of naval antiaircraft guns firing and gun crews in action. Japanese Kamikaze night attacks. Gun camera footage of American planes shooting down Japanese suicide planes. American battle wagons firing 16 inch guns.

Shows U.S. Troops advancing on Okinawa, footage of carrier plane firing rockets in support of ground troops. More Kamikaze attack footage, Japanese plane breaks-up in flight, Shows damaged to ships hit by Kamikaze planes, American plane bursts into flames upon landing on carrier, pilot is saved, American pilot parachutes into sea and is rescued. Spectacular crashes of Japanese Kamikaze planes, excellent footage of the largest, most deadly air-sea battle of WWII as shown by The Washington Post newspaper headlines.