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Public Domain Stock Footage Pictorial Report Issue 26
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Synopsis: Report of how ill prepared and equipped the U.S Army was leading up to WW II. America took steps in the mid 1950's to make certain our troops would have the latest in equipment and technology and there would be trained reserve troops ready to keep America safe in the future... (read more)
Information: 1940s - 1950s BW 26 min
Show All WWII Homefront Titles Pictorial Report - Issue 26

Most Americans had no interest in increasing the size or updating the U.S. Military as Nazi Germany rearmed becoming the most powerful military in history. Even in late 1939 after England and France declared war on Germany U.S. Army soldiers only had mis-matched clothing for training and wore WW I uniforms, overseas caps, and were armed with obsolete bolt action rifles. Scenes of obsolete U.S. tanks and U.S. Calvary on horseback rather than motorized troop carriers. Shows training exercises using old tanks, soldiers on horse drawn carriers, piece of pipe serving as field artillery, bags of flour as shell bursts, pieces of wood as a machine gun. Scenes of the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Aerial view of the Army Electronic Proving Ground Fort Huachuca Arizona. Shows electronic vacuum tube panning to tiny transistor in palm of hand. Shows the launching, control, and retrieval by parachute of the Northrop RP-71 Falconer surveillance drone. This drone was an early model of a pilotless or unmanned aircraft or aerial vehicle. Shows Army L-19 Bird Dog observation plane with wing mounted camera taking off, in-flight, and landing. Shows miniature radio developed for the Army and field uses such an infantry radio helmet. Shows test flight of an L-20 Beaver plane using the all-weather Army AATCAN Traffic and Navigation System. Shows L-20 Beaver aircraft taking off, in-flight, and landing.

Army Reserves are essential to maintaining a strong military force. This is a story of how the farming community of Galax Virginia forms an Army Reserve Training Company just in time to march in the town's Centennial Parade. Scenes of Galax Centennial Jubilee and parade in 1956.