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Public Domain Stock Footage USS Enterprise CVN 65 Flight Operations
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Synopsis: Unedited footage of flight deck and air operations on the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier and excellent F/A-18 pilot's point of view (POV) shots during launches, in flight, and carrier landing...
(read more plus shot list)
Information: 2011 COL 9min
Show All Military Hardware Titles USS Enterprise (CVN-65) - Flight Operations

Unedited stock footage of U.S. aircraft carrier flight deck operations and F/A-18 Hornet aircraft. Several scenes of the F/A-18 Super Hornet aircraft in flight over land. Point of view (pov) looking aft from cockpit as pilot lands aircraft on the USS Enterprise, pilot gives thumbs up. Shows launch of F/A-18 from carrier, F/A-18 in flight and low over water, Plane director directing aircraft on flight deck, F/A-18 landing and catching arresting cable. More aircraft launches.

Point of view (pov) of pilot as plane flies through clouds. Brief scene as F/A-18 aircraft buzzes commercial ship. F/A-18 deploys (lowers) tailhook in flight. Scenes of Ordinance crew attaching armament to wings of aircraft. Close-up of catapult man directing plane to  catapult hookup connection. Excellent point of view (pov) shot looking at pilot's face shield and carrier as aircraft is launched and aircraft continues in flight. Brief scene of Navy P-3C Orion as F/A-18 flies past and under.

Point of view (pov) of pilot with aircraft in flight, as aircraft approaches aircraft carrier and makes a carrier landing. More views from cockpit of F/A-18 in flight, shows plane's cockpit front panel of instruments and screens. Pilot's point of view (pov) as aircraft flies low over water (buzzes) carrier and does 360 degree roll.

Shot List of Stock Footage (start web movie at time code shown for each clip)

00:00:54:11. Navy pilot in cockpit of aircraft gives “thumbs up”.

00:00:56:07. Carrier launch of F/A-18 Hornet aircraft. 

00:01:04:00. F/A-18 Hornet fighter jet in flight.

00:01:20:04. Flight deck Plane Director (yellow shirt) directs plane on carrier flight deck.

00:01:42:02. Aircraft landing approach to carrier, tailhook landing on aircraft carrier.

00:01:49:02. Flight deck Catapult and Arresting Gear (Green Shirt) makes final catapult hookup check.

00:02:35:09. Close-up of “Green Shirt” kneeling at catapult hookup on flight deck of carrier.

00:03;19:02. Aircraft extends or deploys tailhook in flight.

00:03:35:04. Ordnance crew “Red Shirt” attach missile to aircraft on flight deck of carrier.

00:06:13:08. Pilot point-of-view (pov) aircraft carrier landing, pilot gives “thumb Up”. 

00:07:21:09. Instrument panel of F/A-18 Hornet aircraft.

00:07;37:10. Cockpit point-of-view (pov) plane launched from aircraft carrier.

00:08:49:01. Pilot point-of-view (pov) aircraft does 360 degree “barrel roll”.