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Public Domain Stock Footage Disaster Strikes Volume 2
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Synopsis: Natural disasters, man-made disasters from a tragic air crash to destructive earthquakes to devasting tidal waves and floods... (read more)
Information: 1950s - 1960s 13:57 min BW
Show All Editors Choice Theme Titles Disaster Strikes - Volume 2
Morocco Resort Town Hit By Earthquake
Earthquakes wreck a Moroccan resort town

Chile Devastated By Earthquake
The nation of Chile is devastated by Earthquakes that send destructive tidal waves racing across the pacific.

United States
Hurricane Donna Rampages Across Atlantic Coast
Hurricane 'Donna' rips the Caribbean and Atlantic Coast.

United States
Mid-Air Collision Sends Two Airplanes Plummeting Into The Streets Of New York City
Two airliners collide in mid-air and fall upon New York City streets in the worst air disaster in history.

United States
Fire Breaks Out On Aircraft Carrier 'Constellation'
New York's largest disaster force is called out to fight the flaming holocaust on the aircraft carrier 'Constellation'

United States
56 Passengers And Crew Perish In Plane Crash In New York
The second worst air disaster in U.S. history takes the lives of fifty-six passengers and crew, when a C-46 non-scheduled airliner falls in flames shortly after a taking off from Newark. The huge craft narrowly missed plummeting into congested city streets.

United States
Alaska Digs Out After The Greatest Earthquake Ever Recorded
Devastated Alaska begins the task of rebuilding after the greatest earthquake ever recorded. Anchorage was in the center of the severe shock that ripped down Fourth Avenue, the main shopping street where stores were crowded with week-end shoppers. The far-flung disaster area was spared, miraculously, large loss of life. Property damage and loss is staggering. Conservative estimate: $500,000,000.

In the residential district, in the coastal fishing towns, everywhere there is devastation. Kodiak, Sewarcd; towns that have almost been leveled have vowed to rebuild. Alaska, with the spirit of the pioneers, starts the gigantic task of recovery.

Horrrific Landslide Wipes Out Peruvian Villages
One of the worst disasters in modern history wiped out 16 settlements and villages huddled in the shadow of the Peruvian Andes. Millions of tons of rock, mud and ice, loosed by melting snows, roared down the mountainside to bury more than 3,000 people.

Pacific Basin
Pacific Basin Devastated By Earthquakes And Tidal Waves
Day after day of violent eruptions and cataclysmic earth shocks bring terror and devastation to Chile. More than half the nation is battered, with some two million homeless and thousands dead, as the torment of the nation continues. The temblors trigger tidal waves of colossal force which race across the Pacific at 500 miles an hour. Hawaii is battered, with 60 lives lost. Heavy losses are suffered in Japan and Okinawa. On every shore of the vast ocean, from Alaska and California to Australia, the mighty upheaval is felt.

United States
Blaze Injures 25 Firefighters In Philadelphia
Twenty-five firemen are overcome by smoke in a lumber-yard blaze that rages out of control for hours and causes $700,000 damage.

United States
Hurricane Hilda Does The Most Damage
With numerous hurricanes having hit the Eastern Seaboard, hurricane Hilda has been deemed the worst.

United States
Alaska Hit By Record Earthquake
Alaska was shaken by the greatest earthquake ever recorded on the North American continent.

Earthquake Shatters City Of Nigata, Japan
Japan suffers her worst earthquake in 40 years as the petroleum city of Niigata is almost destroyed by the tremors and a raging fire. Striking at 20 miles of the country’s West Coast, the earthquake destroyed 1,000 homes and damaged 30,000 others. Many people had to flee before the refinery fire as explosions threatened for more than 3 days.

Floods Take Heavy Toll In Spain
Flash floods that followed on the heels of a nine-hour rainfall cause wide devastation in the area around Barcelona, Spain. Damage is estimated at $30 million as relief workers recover 500 bodies and seek the hundreds that are still missing.

United States
Tornado Takes Toll On Town Of Olney, Texas
Scenes of devastation in wake of freak twister that struck Texas town, luckily while children were still in school and most residents in storm cellars. Debris is literally wrapped around trees.