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Public Domain Stock Footage Military Newsreels 1944 Issue 10
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Synopsis: U.S. General Arrives In Chile, Former New York Governor Alfred E. Smith Is Buried, Army Service Forces Grow Fresh Produce For Troops, Princess Martha Of Norway Visits New York, LeHavre And Boulogne Fall To Allied Forces... (read more)
Information: 1944 09:22 min BW
Show All Military Newsreels Titles Military Newsreels: 1944 - Issue 10

U.S. Bomber mission to Chile. General. George Brett arrives at Santiago. Decorates Chilean soldiers, and attends a military show.

Shows the funeral of Alfred E. Al Smith with flashbacks of him as Governor of New York with flashbacks in the 1920's (shown with wife) and campaigning for the presidency in 1928. Brief scenes of Mrs. Roosevelt and Herbert Lehman.

On Guadalcanal a victory garden is operated by the Foreign Economic Administration and the Army Service Forces producing watermelons for soldiers in the Pacific. Shows parachute drops to forward outposts.

Princess Martha visits the Norwegian Naval Anti-Submarine School in New York.

LeHavre, Boulogne Fall; Calais is stormed. British Lancaster planes bomb Le Havre. After 36-hours of combined air and artillery assault the Canadian 1st Army moves into the second largest port in France. From the English side of the channel 15-inch coastal artillery guns lob one-ton shells into Boulogne. Boulogne falls to Canadian forces. Shows German prisoners some very young. Calais is bombed. Rare footage of English bomber hit by anti-aircraft fire, crew bails out, plane crashes and explodes into a ball of fire.