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Public Domain Stock Footage Military Newsreels 1944 Issue 14
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Synopsis: British Lancaster Bombers In Daylight Raid, British 2nd Army Resumes Offensive, Artificial Harbor Is Built For Normandy Invasion, American Forces Move Into Aachen Germany... (read more)
Information: 1944 09:15 min BW
Show All Military Newsreels Titles Military Newsreels: 1944 - Issue 14

In a daylight raid British Lancaster bombers attack Duisburg Germany. In a night raid Brunswick is pounded. Hugh fires revel the accuracy of the raid.

In Holland the British 2nd Army resumes the offensive. Tanks blast enemy positions. British and Canadian infantry advance. Shows a machine gun firing and mortar fire directed at the Germans.

An artificial harbor stretching over a mile out to sea used in the Normandy invasion. Shows how harbor facilities made in England and towed across the English Channel was used in the Normandy invasion. A storm damages the harbor, but unloading continues using the artificial harbor.

Americans take the frontier city of Aachen, Germany. After being bombed and shelled for 12-days the American Army moves into Aachen. Long range artillery fires shell after shell into the town. Tanks aid the infantry in the intense street by street fighting. German civilians seek safety with the Americans and are removed from the battle area.