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Public Domain Stock Footage Military Newsreels 1944 Issue 22
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Synopsis: Allies On The Anzio Front, Brazil Sends Troops Overseas, A New Super Jeep For The Army, Japanese American Soldiers Honored War Heroes, Salt Mine In Nova Scotia Part Of War Effort, Girls Take On Lifeguard Duties In Australia, Naval Combat Action At Truk and Saipan... (read more)
Information: 1944 10 min BW
Show All Military Newsreels Titles Military Newsreels: 1944 - Issue 22

Shows the Allies on the Anzio front making use of a wine cellar as a bombproof Army Command Post. Shows pin-up pictures on walls as soldiers go about their duties. Shows nurse tending to the wounded on hospital train and later at a base hospital. Shows wounded being carried aboard a hospital ship for the voyage back to America.
Brazil sends troops overseas. The soldiers pass in review.
New super jeep passes Army test. Shows larger Jeep Scout Car undergoing test on a beach.
American war heroes honored. Purple Hearts are presented to the parents of American soldiers of Japanese ancestry who died serving in the U.S. Army. Japoanese-American soldiers.
Shows a salt mine operation 1200 feet underground in Nova Scotia. The salt is mined and bagged for the war effort. Salt mining operation.
Girl lifeguards replace men on Australian beach.
American carrier-based planes bomb Japanese positions on Truk and Saipan and return to the aircraft carrier. Enemy war planes attack U.S. Naval force near Truk. Shows ship (sea) to air battle (combat). American planes attack Japanese ships near Truk. Shows air to sea battle (combat). Gun camera footage as American planes attack sea and land targets. Shows damaged American dive-bomber landing on aircraft carrier on one-wheel.