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Public Domain Stock Footage Military Newsreels 1944 Issue 29
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Synopsis: Huge Fleets Of Allied Bombers Pound German War Plants, Battle Action On The Italian Front, P-51 Mustang Fighter Planes Fly From California To New York, Cadet Nurses Sworn Into Army At New York City Hall, New Infantry Division Makes Parade Debut, Crop Dusting Spray Framlands With Insecticide, Battle Action In New Guinea... (read more)
Information: 1944 10 min BW
Show All Military Newsreels Titles Military Newsreels: 1944 - Issue 29

Hugh fleets of Allied bombers protected by an umbrella of fighter planes bomb German war plants and airfields in Europe. Allied aircraft (airplane) gun cameras record an attack on German torpedo e-boats in the English Channel and German planes shot down by Allied fighter planes.

On the Italian Front. Excellent battle map shows German and Allied positions near Cassino and Anzio, Italy. Shows the location of the Gustav Line of German fortifications. General Clark and General Alexander meet in Italy. Allied Artillery pounds Nazi positions as tanks and infantry advance. Street fighting is house to house.

P-51 Mustang fighter planes fly from California to New York in 6-1/2 hours. First to land is Colonel Peterson who is met by his wife. Colonel Carter lands the second P-51 aircraft.

1300 new Cadet Nurses march to New York City Hall and are sworn into the Army.

A newly formed infantry division parades in the U.S. Shows special infantry insignia.

Crop duster airplanes spray farmlands with insecticide. Shows pilot wearing mask. Shows planes in low flight over farm fields spraying insecticide.

Shows battle map of Netherlands New Guinea and the landing beaches at Hollandia and Aitape, New Guinea. U.S. troops supported by aerial and naval barrages land on New Guinea beaches. Shows General MacArthur observing the operation and later landing with the troops. Shows tanks being unloaded from landing ship. Tanks and infantry of the 6th Army advance through wet, muddy jungle terrain.