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Public Domain Stock Footage Military Newsreels 1944 Issue 32
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Synopsis: Naval Carrier Task Force Fights Off Japanese Aerial Attack, West Point Graduation Class Of 1944, Chinese Air Cadets In U.S. Take Some Time Off, Military Parade For Bond Drive New York City, U.S. Soldiers In Italy, Air Assault Practice In Parachutes And Gliders... (read more)
Information: 1944 10 min BW
Show All Military Newsreels Titles Military Newsreels: 1944 - Issue 32

A U.S. Naval Carrier Task Force in Japanese waters fights off a Japanese aerial assault. Anti-aircraft guns fill the sky with tracers and flak. Shows Japanese planes trailing smoke and in flames crash into the sea. Shows a battery of anti-aircraft guns on a U.S aircraft carrier firing at the Japanese aircraft. Japanese planes attack the American ships and are shot down.

General Somervell speaks at a West Point graduation. Cadets pass in review. Shows Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower and her son John. John Eisenhower is awarded a diploma from West Point. Shows the West Point class of 1944 passing in review.

Chinese Air Cadets training in the United States (U.S.) fly to New Mexico to see an Indian dance festival.

Shows a military parade marching up 5th Avenue in New York City launching the 5th War Bond drive.

General Mark Clark honors Military Service Women attached to the Allied 5th Army in Italy. Shows Air Force men using sign language to shop or order a meal in Italy. Italian kid giving the GI’s a lesson in Italian using the side of an airplane as a blackboard.

Airborne troops (forces) jump from transports and troops land in gliders in a practice air assault. Shows gliders being loaded. Shows tow-rope being attached to a glider and glider pulled aloft by a C-47 plane. Shows paratroopers floating down to earth. Shows gliders landing with nose in the dust. Shows U.S. soldiers (troops) rushing from a glider. Recovery traps enable the empty gliders to be picked-up at 5-second intervals by low flying planes.