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Public Domain Stock Footage Military Newsreels 1944 Issue 50
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Synopsis: Allies Prepare For Final Push In France, Plywood The Versatile Wood, U.S. Troops Parade In Cherbourg On Bastille Day, Generals Make Attempt On Life Of Adolf Hitler... (read more)
Information: 1944 8 min BW
Show All Military Newsreels Titles Military Newsreels: 1944 - Issue 50

Southeast of captured Caen the Allies are consolidating for the final battle for France. Allied bombing had opened the way for General Montgomery’s tanks and armored troops to roll forward. Shows tanks and mine sweeping tanks moving forward. Shows General Montgomery making friends with several children. One of the first assignments of the liberating force is the care of refugees. Caen is once again outside German shelling range. Members of the French underground are able to get back into uniform and take part openly in the campaign against the Nazis. Shows the towns people cutting the hair and shaving the heads of French females (women) collaborationists that were too friendly with the Germans. On the battlefield a Russian prisoner forced to serve in the German Army requested permission to return to the enemy lines and bring his platoon back to Allied lines. Russian POW’s forced into slavery by the Germans goes over the American lines.

Shows manufacturing process used to make plywood. Plywood is processed and used to build boats, landing craft, and gliders. Shows the building of the de Havilland Mosquito bomber in an aircraft manufacturing plant. Unorthodox in design, the Mosquito Bomber used a plywood structure of spruce and balsa.

U.S. troops parade in liberated Cherbourg on Bastille Day 1944. Highlight of the ceremony was the renaming of the public square to Place General de Gaulle. Shows dancing in the square.

Inside Germany a peace movement has announced itself with a blast of a bomb. Veteran Generals knowing the war was lost had made an attempt to kill Hitler. Shows Hitler, Goring, and German Officers.