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Public Domain Stock Footage Military Newsreels 1944 Issue 43
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Synopsis: Grasshopper Spotter Planes In Action, New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey, Amphibious And Airborne Assault Of Southern France... (read more)
Information: 1944 10 min BW
Show All Military Newsreels Titles Military Newsreels: 1944 - Issue 43

Grasshopper plane with grasshopper logo (emblem) on the side is used as a spotter plane on Bougainville. This light plane conducts reconnaissance on Bougainville. Able to fly slowly and at treetop level these grasshopper planes spots and radio Japanese positions to the ground forces. Allied artillery blasts Japanese positions as infantry units move in to mop-up remaining Japanese.

Governor Dewey speaking from the New York State Capitol welcomes the liberation of Paris. Shows Dewey seated at his desk as he speaks. Excellent footage as Dewey speaks for some 55 seconds.

Allied troops prepare to invade southern France near Toulon in a combined amphibious and airborne assault. Shows troop ship convoy underway. Shows Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, General Alexander Patch, and Admiral Hewitt. Shows interior of plane as Allied paratroopers prepare to jump. Hundreds of chutes fill the sky. A coastal village is occupied after a raging battle between German coastal batteries and Allied naval guns. Landing craft underway toward beach. Shows troops hitting the beach under heavy fire. Troops advance inland. Shows soldier firing rifle with a grenade launcher. Tanks blast a pillbox. Shows surrender of Nazi (German) troops. Prisoners are searched. Men of the FFI (French Forces of The Interior) or French underground make contact with Allied Forces. French citizens welcome the forces of liberation.