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Public Domain Stock Footage Military Newsreels 1946 Issue 5
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Synopsis: Paratroops Make Jump During West Point Graduation, New Aviation Technology Is Demonstrated
LaSalle Hotel Fire 58 Perish In Chicago, Nanking Once Again Capital Of China, Detroit Celebrates 50th Anniversary Of The Auto Industry, 82nd Airborne Division Is Honored At St Marie Die France, Military Academies On Graduation Day... (read more)
Information: 1946 10 min BW
Show All Military Newsreels Titles Military Newsreels: 1946 - Issue 5

Paratroops jump at a West Point graduation in a demonstration of a military technique that led to the securing of the invasion of Europe. Shows paratroopers jumping from the plane and parachutes filling the skies.

New technology in aviation history is demonstrated as a plane takes off and lands using automatic controls.
A dummy is shot from a fighter plane cockpit in tests to development a means for pilots to safely eject from fast moving aircraft.

Tragedy in Chicago. 58 persons died in LaSalle Hotel fire the night of June 5, 1946. Shows tenants escaping down fire escapes. Chicago Fire Inspectors search debris in the lobby. Shows exterior of LaSalle Hotel the next morning.

Nanking once again the capital of China. Chiang Kai-shek decorates the tomb of Sun Yat-sen in Nanking as the capital is officially returned from Chungking.

Shows old cars in a Detroit parade commemorating the 50th anniversary of the auto or industry. Shows 2-second clip of Detroit skyline. Shows automobile manufacturing plants of Chrysler, Ford, Desoto, and Lincoln. Shows assembly line in automobile manufacturing factory in the 1940’s. Shows vintage motorcars and automobiles on parade.

The 82nd Airborne Div. is honored at St. Marie Die. France on two-year anniversary of D-Day. Children decorate U.S. graves. Shows a field of white crosses marking the graves in this military cemetery.

Cadets at the U.S. Military Academy march in honor of the graduating class. Shows General Doolittle, General Wedemeyer and their sons. Admiral Nimitz at Naval Academy graduations. Shows caps being tossed into the air by graduating cadets.