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Synopsis: The Life Of A City, Thomas Edison early films of New York City at the turn of the century, from1898 to 1906... (read more plus shot list)
Information: Early 1900's 50:58 min BW
Show All Turn Of The Century Titles New York City - Turn Of The Century Vol. 1
Shot List of Stock Footage (start web movie at time code shown for each clip)

00:00:09:14 Statue of Liberty.

00:01:08:04 Panorama Water Front and Brooklyn Bridge From The East River. Docks , piers, boats, ships, warehouses, and railroad terminals line the waterfront, Pennsylvania's Railroad, United Fruit Company pier.

00:07:26:08 Panorama of Blackwell's Island. Blackwell's Island Lighthouse (Hallet's Cove). Buildings on Blackwell Island: New York City Lunatic Asylum, the Workhouse, The Alms House, Piers for the Queensborough Bridge, The Almshouse Keeper's House, the Penitentiary, and Charity Hospital.

00:10:01:14 Immigrants on boat approaching pier. Men, women, and children walking off boat.

00:12:45:10 Arrival of Immigrants Ellis Island.

00:16:18:12 Departure of Robert Peary (and the) Roosevelt From New York City.

00:20:47:00 Panorama of New York City from the Times Building.

00:23:28:13 Broadway & Union Square New York City 1903.

00:24:03:00 Lower Broadway. Street Scenes New York City 1903, horse drawn trolley car.

00:25:49:01 Bargain day, 14th Street New York City.
00:27:22:08 New York City “Ghetto” Fish Market.

00:30:24:00 Policeman moving street peddlers along.

00:32:23:09 Gang of boys crowd around “The World” newspaper wagon, several fights breakout between boys.
00:33:30:00 A homeless vagabond street boy, called an Arab boy, does stunts on streets of New York City
00:34:32:14 Hats and ladies skirts blowing, windy day in NYC.

00:37:04:11 Woman's skirt blows up, 23rd Street, New York City.

00:38:33:03 Skating On The Lake Central Park.

00:39:38:13 Sleighing Scene, horse drawn sleights.

00:40:36:11 building foundation for a Skyscraper.
00:41:14:01 Crane lowering workman into excavation.

00:42:20:07 Excavation For A New York City skyscraper foundation.

00:45:01:06 New York City Dumping Wharf.

00:46:34:00 Sorting Refuse At Incinerating Plant New York City.

00:48:30:11 Panorama of Riker's Island NYC.