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Voyager Mission Into Deepspace public domain films royalty free stock footage archive stock footage
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Synopsis: NASA JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) compilation of the best footage that has been published about the Voyager mission. (read more...)
Information: 1998 70 min COL
Show All Modern NASA Titles Voyager - Mission Into Deepspace

Computer animation/simulations comprise the largest portion of the video and include outer planetary magnetic fields, outer planetary lunar surfaces, and the Voyager spacecraft trajectory. Voyager visited the four outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The video contains some live shots of Jupiter (actual), the Earth’s moon (from orbit), Saturn (actual), Neptune (actual) and Uranus (actual), but is mainly comprised of computer animations of these planets and their moons.

Some of the individual short videos that are compiled are entitled: The Solar System; Voyage to the Outer Planets; A Tour of the Solar System; and the Neptune Encounter. Computerized simulations of Viewing Neptune from Triton, Diving over Neptune to Meet Triton, and Catching Triton in its Retrograde Orbit are included. Several animations of Neptune’s atmosphere, rotation and weather features as well as significant discussion of the planet’s natural satellites are also presented.