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Friendly Uses For Nuclear Explosives public domain stock footage
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Synopsis: The power of the atom isn't just for World War III, it can also be a valuable friend in construction, mining and "rapid excavation"... (read more)
Information: 1968 - 1973 36:56 min COL
Show All Nuclear Biological Warfare Titles Friendly Uses For Nuclear Explosives
The Plowshare Program promoted using the energy produced from nuclear explosions for peaceful uses and applications. The Atomic Energy Commission established the program in 1958, and Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (now Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) developed and implemented the projects and tests. Under this program 27 nuclear tests comprising 35 individual detonations were conducted.

This title describes the objectives of the Plowshare Program tests that include: stimulation of natural gas production; creation of underground zones of fractured oil shale; earth breaking and moving projects; neutron irradiation of targets to create new elements; copper and other metal extraction from the earth; breaking and crushing mineral deposits; and rapid excavation for large-scale construction projects such as harbors, canals, or mountain passes.

Comparisons between conventional and nuclear explosives in terms of cost, volume, and practical uses are discussed. Nuclear explosions are shown in schematic animation format in addition to actual film footage.

Footage of people entering the underground GNOME cavity is shown, as well as close-ups of the five simultaneous, BUGGY row detonations.

Conventional explosive comparisons are also shown, including one of almost 1400 tons of chemical explosives that decapitated the submerged pinnacles of Ripple Rock. The Rock had imperiled ships using the Inland Passage north of Vancouver, British Columbia.

The Plowshare tests shown in the "Nuclear Excavation" portion of the video include:
SEDAN, July 6, 1962, NTS, 104 kilotons (kt)
SULKY, NTS, December 18, 1964, 92 tons
CABRIOLET, NTS, January 26, 1968, 2.3 kt
BUGGY-A, BUGGY–B, BUGGY–C, BUGGY–D, and BUGGY-E, March 12, 1968, NTS,
five simultaneous detonations, separate holes, 1.08 kt (each)
SCHOONER, NTS, December 8, 1968, 30 k