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Public Domain Stock Footage Theodore Roosevelt 1910 - 1919
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Synopsis: Events of Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt after his Presidency ended in 1909 from his safari to Africa to his re-election campaign in 1912 to his death in 1919... (read more)
Information: 1910 - 1919 55:13 min BW (SILENT)
Show All Early U.S. Presidents Titles Theodore Roosevelt 1910 - 1919
Scenes Include:

Speaking at the Battery, 1910
In Norway and Denmark, 1910
Reviewing French Troops at Vincennes France, 1910
His return to New York, 1910

Speaking at the Dedication of the Roosevelt Dam, 1911

In Fargo, North Dakota., during Progressive Campaign, 1912
Speaking at Pueblo, Colorado, 1912

In a Rowboat on Oyster Bay, Archie Assists with Boat to Shore, 1914
Seated at His Desk in the Outlook Office, 1914
Presidential safari to Africa, African Natives dancing, 1914

At the San Diego Exposition, 1915

Home at Sagamore Hill, 1916
Speaking to a group of men from the porch at Sagamore Hill, 1916
In New Mexico, 1916

At Forest Hills, New York, 1917
Speaking to a group of Suffragettes from the porch at Sagamore Hill, 1917
With a group of sailors and soldiers
In St. Paul, Minn. With J.A.A. Burnquist, Governor of Minn., and Mayor Irvin Witness, 1917

With Mayor Mitchel, Governor Charles Whitman of New York, and Myron Herrick, 1917
Receiving Belgian Envoys at Sagamore Hill, 1917
Sons' Regiments during War, 1917-1918

In Baltimore during Liberty Loan Drive, 1918
Speaking in St. Paul, Minnesota, 1918

Theodore Roosevelt Funeral at Oyster Bay, 1919