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Public Domain Stock Footage Sports And Pageantry 1958
High Definition Film Transfer: (24-hr. turnaround)
1920 x 1080 23.98p MAC or PC - Quicktime
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Synopsis: Direct film transfer to HD. Footage of different types sport games, sports fan in stadiums, cheerleaders, huge stadium crowds, motorcycle police exhibition, rodeo scenes...
(read more plus shot list)
Information: 1958 05:02 min COL (SILENT)
Show All Sports Retro Titles Sports And Pageantry - 1958
Scene of people ice skating Central Park. Ice hockey game (players are not wearing helmets, helmets did not become mandatory in the NHL until 1979). The Harlem Globetrotters basketball team playing another basketball team, diver making diver off diving board, professional football game, sports car racing, swimmer in pool, professional baseball game (Dodgers & Yankees), golf match.

People entering and seated in stadium, Half time show on field, football game, cheerleaders whip up enthusiasm with crowds at a football game, bands and girls perform at halftime, motorcyclists perform, girls dance and ride parade floats, horses parade at race track, and rodeo scenes.

Shot List: Sports, pageantry, rodeo HD footage. Start video at time code shown.

00:00:16:00. Ice hockey game.

00:00:33:05. Harlem Globetrotters basketball team playing another basketball team.

00:00:40:07. Diver makes somersault dive from tuck position.

00:01:12:18. Football game.

00:01:31:18. Sports car race.

00:01:52:23. Baseball games, Dodgers and Yankees.

00:01:59:21. #39 hits home run and runs the bases.

00:02:21:15. Golf scenes.

00:02:31:06. People entering and seated in football stadium.

00:02:47:14. Scenes of half-time show, football game.

00:03:00:23. Football fans in football stadium.

00:03:03:14. Kick-off play of football game.

00:03:14:04. Cheerleaders, college football.

00:03:23:05. Huge crowd at football game, packed football stadium.

00:03:43:05. Majorettes, marching band, clowns, motorcycle police exhibition, girl baton twirlers, parade queen.

00:04:10:11. Rodeo scenes, bucking horses, calf roping, bulldogging or steer wrestling.