Synopsis: The mission of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the training of FBI Agents. Flashback footage of the 1930’s gangsters George "MachineGun" Kelly, "Babyface" Nelson, "Prettyboy" Floyd, and John Dillinger to illustrate how aggressive the FBI was at solving crimes under Director J. Edgar Hoover.
Discusses the expansion of the agency after WW II to include investigations of espionage, sabotage, loan sharks, interstate gambling, 1950's Brinks robbery, and KKK (Ku Klux Klan) violence. Indicates the aggressive nature of the agency did not change with the death of J. Edgar Hoover in 1972.
Scenes Include: Washington DC 1970’s, J. Edgar Hoover Building, KKK and burning cross scene (8-sec), organized crime, house bombing-explosion, scientific laboratory, shooting range. |
Information: 1977 15:08 COL |