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Public Domain Stock Footage President Richard M Nixon Portrait Of A President 1968
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Synopsis: Portrait of President Richard M. Nixon as he works and travels as well as insight into the man from those who know him best... (read more)
Information: 1968 28:39 min BW COL
Show All President Richard M Nixon Titles Pres. Richard M. Nixon - Portrait Of A President
President Richard M. Nixon, 37th President of the United States. This film takes measure of the President as he works and travels and gathers insight from the people that know him best.

Scenes of the oval office empty and with President Nixon at work, Cabinet Meeting concerning opium from Turkey (scene of opium field).

Flashback to the time Nixon was a Senator and as Vice President. Scene of Eisenhower waving from hospital window, Nixon’s meeting with Kruschev of the Soviet Union.

President Nixon honors Duke Ellington with an evening at the White House. Nixon plays piano as guests sing happy birthday to Duke Ellington. Nixon family video footage and still photographs.

Shows President Nixon’s trip to China and Premier Zhou Enlai. Nixon visits the Soviet Union where he signs a treaty to limit arms. Shows his welcome on the floor of Congress.

Personages: Leonard Garment, John D. Ehrlicman, William Safire, Patrick J. Buchanan, Mrs. Barbara H. Franklin, Miss Rose Mary Woods, Miss Sally Inge, Dwight Chapin, Donald Rumsfelt, Robert Finch, Dr. Walter Tkach, Robert L. Brown, Harry S. Dent, Dr. Henry Kissinger.