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Buyout Footage Logo - Public Domain Films and Royalty Free Stock Footage
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Public Domain Stock Footage President George W. Bush Presidential Aircraft
Standard Definition - Quicktime: (24-hr. turnaround)
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Synopsis: Shows President George W. Bush arriving at Andrews Air Force Base on a Marine One Helicopter, deplaning from the helicopter and boarding Air Force One for a flight to New Mexico on May 27, 2008. Shows Marine One Helicopter in flight and landing. Shows Air Force One Airplane as President Bush boards, plane taxiing and the aircraft take off flight.

Air Force One is the air traffic control sign for any United States Air Force aircraft carrying the President of the United States. The presidential plane is a Boeing 747-200B or Air Force designation VC-25A.

Shows Air Force One landing and taxing. President Bush deplanes and walks over to Marine One the presidential VH-3D helicopter. Shows Marine One taxing and lifting off with President Bush on-board.

Shows President George W. Bush signing autographs prior to boarding Air Force One. After boarding Air Force One takes off. Shows aircraft taxing and in-flight.
Information: 2008 COL 19:32 min
Show All President George W. Bush Titles Pres. George W. Bush - Presidential Aircraft