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Public Domain Stock Footage President Herbert Hoover Events 1929
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Synopsis: Variety of public events in the political career of President Herbert Hoover... (read more)
Information: 1929 BW 17 min (SILENT)
Show All Early US Presidents Titles President Herber Hoover: Events - 1929

President-Elect Herbert Hoover arrives at the White House in 1929; rides with President Calvin Coolidge to the Capitol; is administered the Presidential Oath by Chief Justice Taft in the presence of Former President Coolidge, General Summerall, Vice President Charles G. Dawes, and Vice-President Elect Charles Curtis; rides with First Lady Lou Hoover to the White House; and reviews the parade. President Herbert Hoover, Former President Calvin Coolidge, Senator Borah, Secretary of State Stimson, Former Secretary of State Kellogg, British Ambassador Esme Howard and others gather in the East Room of the White House to sign the Kellogg Pact.

Airplanes fly over the battleship USS Arizona tied up at Norfolk, Va. President Herbert Hoover inspects the USS Arizona's personnel; poses with Secretary Hurley and Secretary Wilbur; rides through Ponce, Puerto Rico; speaks to crowds in San Juan, Puerto Rico, after an introduction by Governor Theodore Roosevelt; watches a parade on St. Thomas, Virgin I.; speaks to island women; and receives mail on the USS Arizona delivered by Army blimps. Governor Theodore Roosevelt introduces President Herbert Hoover in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Scenes of the battleship USS Arizona.