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Public Domain Stock Footage Day On The Farm
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Synopsis: Chronicles the daily activities of an American dairy farm family in the mid 1960's. Various scenes of farm equipment at work as hay is cut and stored, corn harvested. Home appliances of the 1960's era...
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Information: 1963 40:13 min COL
Show All Flashback 1960s Titles Day On The Farm
Chronicles the daily activities of an American dairy farm family in the mid 1960's. Various scenes as the mother prepares breakfast for the family as the father and sons start the daily chores. Cows are connected to milking machine. The family, including the grandmother, eats breakfast as they listen to a weather report on the radio. After breakfast the daughter clears the table as the mother cleans house with a vacuum cleaner. The children catch the school bus.

Tank truck picks up the milk. The mother uses a washing machine, the father readies a corn planting machine, children are in a classroom. Dinner bell rings. The father and mother do their weekly shopping in town. Various scenes of farm equipment and farm equipment attachments at work as hay is cut and stored, corn harvested.

The evening meal begins with a prayer as family is seated around dining room table. Children are tucked into bed as the day ends. Shows home appliances of the 1960's era. Shows use of various farm implements and tractor attachments.

00:01:22:04. Woman brushes hair while looking in bedroom mirror.

00:01:50:02. Father wakes up young sons sleeping in bunk bed.

00:02:41:11. Sister and younger brother beats two older boys to bathroom.

00:02:50:08. Housewife in 1960's era kitchen, preparing breakfast for family.

00:04:51:03. Dairy farmer with dairy cows.

00:06:50:13. Farmer connecting automatic milking machine to cow.

00:11:34:11. Farm family eating breakfast meal, listens to radio weather report.

00:13:21:03. Woman using 1960's era vacuum cleaner.

00:14:32:05. Kids catch country school bus.

00:15:45:10. Man checks rural route mailbox, removes and checks mail.

00:16:30:11. Woman places clothes in 1960's era washing machine.

00:19:44:12. Scene of tractor planting corn.

00:20:05:14. Children enter rural school classroom, teacher writes on blackboard.

00:20:55:05. School lunch room or cafeteria.

00:22:52:02. Sight and sound of farm dinner bell ringing.

00:24:22:08. Scenes of supermarket of grocery store, scenes of hardware store.

00:25:11:00. Woman shopping in1960's era supermarket.

00:27:31:06. Tractor discing field.

00:29:55:01. Windrowing and bailing hay.

00:33:13:11. Harvesting corn.

00:34:36:06. Evening meal or dinner begins with a prayer as family is seated around dining room table.

00:37:29:06. Boys watching television (TV)

00:39:17:00 Young girl kneeling at side of bed in prayer.