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Public Domain Stock Footage Welfare Agencies Community Chest Program
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Synopsis: A Columbia University student undertakes an assignment to report how welfare agencies in Yonkers, N.Y., organized under the Community Chest, solves problems. The student receives his assignment and visits Yonkers, New York... (read more)
Information: 1950 BW 21 min
Show All Flashback 1950s Titles Welfare Agencies - The Community Chest Program

Shots of Columbia University building, classroom, students, and Professor, Scenes of Yonkers New York industrial area, street scenes, workers, people walking, automobiles, residential area of large homes, apartment buildings, dilapidate housing area showing poverty, juvenile delinquency, old age. 1950's public telephone booth.

The student visits office of the Community Chest and a Family Service Clinic where a couple is adopting a child. Shows adopted child and parents. Shows children waiting for adoption in a play room. A nurse from the Visiting Nurses Association makes a home visit to an injured bed-ridden man.

The YMCA Director gives the student a tour of the facilities including the gym, pool, library. He visits with a Boy Scout Troop. Shows a young bully fighting another boy in an alley where the bully takes the other kid's money. The bully later becomes involved in a youth boxing group where he learns a lesson and joins the Boy Scouts.

Firemen fight a high rise fire in the 1950's.