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Public Domain Stock Footage Gasoline Production
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Synopsis: The Story of Gasoline (1924) a source of energy from fossil fuel. Vintage footage of the crude oil-gasoline refinery industry and distribution of gasoline to consumers. Excellent animated technical drawings explains the crude oil refining process... (read more)
Information: 1924 BW 43 min (SILENT with title cards)
Show All Flashback 1920s - 1940s Titles Gasoline Production

Panning view of a typical oil field with wooden oil derricks and pumps. Aerial panning view of a gasoline (crude oil) refinery complex in 1924, ground level shots of workmen turning valves. Shows a battery of crude oil stills. Animated drawings and video footage shows how different petroleum products distilled from crude oil. Shows workers called “still cleaners” in heavy protective clothing.

Shows various operations to remove the sulphur and other impurities from the gasoline. Shows additional treatments of the gasoline for further purification and adjustment of boiling points. Shows and explains by animation the “cracking” process of “gas oil” to obtain more gasoline from a barrel of crude oil.

Shows process of recovering Casing-head or Natural gasoline in the oil fields. Scenes of a compressor building in an oil field. Shows loading Natural Gasoline in railroad tanker car.

Shows gasoline distillation test in laboratory. Scenes of oil refinery research laboratory. Shows large gasoline storage tank field. Filling 50-gallon barrels for delivery of gasoline to consumer in the early years. Image of an early gasoline tanker ship and railroad tanker cars. Image of vintage gasoline delivery tank truck at bulk distribution station and delivering gasoline to filling station or service station. Scenes of an early gasoline filling station or service station. Shows a vintage automobile entering gasoline station. Gas station attendant pumping gasoline into early automobile in the 1920's.

00:05:42:03 Images of an oil refinery complex in 1924

00:07:02:10 CU hands of workman turning wheel of large valve

00:28:36:01 Image of casing head of an oil well

00:28:57:00 Shows wooden oil well drilling towers

00:38:00:10 Image of an early gasoline tanker ship or oil tanker

00:39:24:01 Image of vintage gasoline delivery tank truck

00:41:16:00 Shows a vintage automobile entering early gasoline service station. Gas station attendant pumping gasoline into early or vintage automobile