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Public Domain Stock Footage City Of Berlin
Standard Definition - Quicktime: (24-hr. turnaround)
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Synopsis: The day in the life of the city of Berlin, Germany from morning to night weaving scenes of architecture, streets, industry and citizens into a day in the life montage of a historic European city...
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Information: 1927 BW 62 min (SILENT)
Show All Flashback 1920s - 1940s Titles Berlin - Symphony Of A Great City

Train speeds toward Berlin in the late 1920’s. Images of train, railroad tracks, countryside, outskirts of the city, and switching yards as train enter station. Early morning hours in Berlin with deserted streets and shuttered stores and factories. As city awakens it gains energy that continues throughout the day and into the restaurants and nightclubs.
Low aerial view of city, deserted streets, closed stores and factories. Slowly workmen appear on way to work, trolley and trains start to run, people crowd into city, factories open, machinery in motion. Shutters open, street vendors appear, stores open, school children on way to school, business men on way to work, automobiles, more pedestrians, more train passengers arrive at station, office workers typing, telephones in use.

More crowded streets, people at a rally, increase automobile traffic; passengers board a tri-motor airline plane, aircraft in flight. Meals being prepared, people served and eating noon meal. Barge on canal, children at play. Newspaper printing and distributed. Face of distraught woman, splash in river, people crowding bridge rail indicating woman had committed suicide by jumping into river. People returning home.

Sports, recreation. Berlin at night, movies, plays, night street scenes, ice-skating, night skiing, hockey, boxing, nightclub, dancing, bars, gambling games, fireworks.