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Public Domain Stock Footage Army Medicine American Revolution To Korean War
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Synopsis: From the American Revolutionary War to the Korean War, this film documents the story of "Army Medicine" and the exploits of members of the Army Medical Service... (read more)
Information: 1950s BW 28 min
Show All Cold War Titles Army Medicine - American Revolution To Korean War

Shows C-47 taking off from dirt or unpaved air strip. WWI footage, Troops unloading from ship, marching in columns, troops in trenches, soldiers wearing gas masks firing rifles, artillery guns firing, trench warfare, soldiers rising out of the trenches, “over the top”, in an attack. Big guns firing and explosions. Wounded carried from battlefield. Shows early motor transport vehicles for transporting wounded. Soldiers on the front lines cheering end of WWI. Shows WWI soldiers on deck of troop transport ship.

Footage of WWII, Normandy invasion beachhead, jeep transporting wounded soldiers, wounded on LST, emergency operating room on LST. WWII combat scenes, street fighting, close-up soldier firing rifle. Army Medic treat wounded, holding plasma or bottle of blood, doctors and nurses in operating room. Jungle warfare, soldiers following behind tank. Soldiers being inoculated against malaria taking shot in arm. Scene of Army field hospital.

American troops land in Korea, combat scenes Korean War, helicopter used to transport wounded from front lines to field hospital. Wounded being transported to hospital in the States by large aircraft. Shows nurses of the Army Nurse Corp. Scenes of research laboratory. Scenes of paratroopers jumping from plane, parachutes fill the sky as paratroopers descend.

Fighting and combat scenes from WWI, WWII, and the Korean War.