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Public Domain Stock Footage United Nations Where The World Meets
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Synopsis: Describing the peacekeeping role and mission of the U.N. located in New York City and shows numerous interior and exterior shots of the buildings and council rooms which comprise the United Nations Plaza... (read more)
Information: 1966 COL 29 min
Show All Flashback 1960s Titles The United Nations - Where The World Meets

Shows street scenes of pedestrians and traffic near the U.N. Plaza. Shows Arthur J. Goldberg, U.S. Representative to The United Nations and his staff of five senior officers. Seymour Maxwell Finger, Richard F. Pedersen, Mrs. Eugenie Anderson, William B. Buffum, Arthur Goldsmith.

Shows the U.N. Council in session. Mrs. Arthur Goldberg and other Mission wives meet with newly arrived foreign delegate wives to help acclimate them to the American culture and character. Shows the U.N. Council in session. Shows Goldberg traveling to Chicago to speak to the United Worlds Affairs Council. The General Assembly hosts a reception on-board a tour cruiser for delegates and their wives.

Street scenes and views of New York City in 1966. Shows Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. Footage of the emergency Security Council meeting during the 1967 Middle East War and the passage of the United Nations cease fire resolution.