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Public Domain Stock Footage Vision USA 1978 Volume 79
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Synopsis: Citigroup Center and St. Peter's Church NYC, Early Robot Technology, Windows On The World Restaurant NYC, Nautical Archeology, Tamara Brooks At Haverford College... (read more)
Information: 1978 COL 28 min
Show All Flashback 1970s Titles Vision USA: 1978 - Volume 79

Citigroup Center and St. Peter's Church NYC
Images of the new and distinctive Citicorp Center (Citigroup Center) skyscraper and the skyline of New York City as it appeared in 1978. Short clip of the old St. Peter's Lutheran Church and exterior and interior views of the new St. Peter's Church. Shows 7-story glass enclosed atrium in the Citicorp building where people gather to eat, relax, listen to music. Shows a celebration at St. Peter's Church, with music, people clapping.

Early Robot Technology
Early robotic technology, programmable robot in the 1970's. Shows a robot designed to perform services for mankind walking the dog, serving food and drinks, and responding to voice commands. Robot interacts with young children in a classroom giving them a math quiz, on the playground, swinging one end of a skip rope, and saying goodbye to children.

Windows On The World Restaurant NYC
Shows World Trade Center Towers in skyline of New York City (NYC) in 1978. Interior views of the elegant Windows On The World restaurant located on the top floor of the North World Trade Center Tower (WTC). Shows view of NYC from the restaurant. Restaurant pastry chefs making pastries. Shows students attending  classes at the Culinary Institute Of America, world famous culinary school, preparing and cooking food, and serving food to a couple at their table.

Nautical Archeology
Underwater Archaeology. Shows archaeologist in scuba diving gear recovering artifacts from sunken ships and ocean floor. Refers to Institute of Nautical Archaeology that is devoted to the studies of human history from physical remains of maritime activities. Shows students in classroom at the Institute and reconstruction of a scale model of a 7th century ship.

Tamara Brooks At Haverford College
Tamara Brooks has combined a professional conducting career with a love of teaching giving music a unique place in education at Haverford College in Pennsylvania. Shows Tamara Brooks teaching music to gifted liberal arts students at Haverford.