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Public Domain Stock Footage Liberia Pepperbird Land
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Synopsis: A comprehensive view of industrial growth and cultural advances in the Republic of Liberia, a country on the west coast of Africa. Liberia was founded and colonized by freed American slaves in 1822... (read more)
Information: 1958 COL 22:39 min
Show All International Titles Liberia - Pepperbird Land
Shows the lifestyle of the fishermen that live along the coast and the lifestyle of the population that lives inland. Meeting of tribal chiefs and village dance. Shows a rubber tree being taped for latex, collectors taking latex to collection station, and on to central factory by truck. Shows process of turning liquid latex into sheets of rubber. Rubber sheets shipped by river boat to Monrovia and loaded onto ocean freighters. Passengers boarding Liberian National Airways DC-3 plane at Robertsfield Airport. Technicians attach a magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) to aircraft in search for iron ore deposits. Shows Bomi Hills iron ore mine operation, dynamite blasting, mining shovel and trucks. The crushed ore is transported by rail to the harbor in Monrovia and loaded on ocean freight ship. Young men dance to the beat of a log drum.

Shows advance in agriculture with planting of cocoa, introduction of new breed of cows, imported hogs, and farm equipment. New road construction, health clinics. Soldiers of the Liberian Army. Shows Church Mission School for girls and a trade school for young men. Shows University of Liberia at Monrovia where many students continue their education at Howard University in America. Scenes of the port of Monrovia, street scenes of the city, foreign Embassies, Providence Baptist Church, House of Representatives, and Executive Mansion where President William V.S. Tubman closes with a final message.