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Buyout Footage Logo - Public Domain Films and Royalty Free Stock Footage
Buyout Footage Logo - Public Domain Films and Royalty Free Stock Footage
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Public Domain Stock Footage US Mail Transportation 1923
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Synopsis: Operation of United States Post Office Department in the 1920's. Shows Postmaster General Harry S. New. Shows ocean vessel or steamship approaching New York Harbor, radio operator dispatches mail boat to meet ocean vessel. Shows how mail is taken from ships and sent to its destination in the United States. A canvas mail chute is used to transfer mail from an ocean liner in New York harbor to a mail boat.

Bags are sorted on the mail boat and rushed to dock in New York City, image of Statue of Liberty taken from mail boat. At dock mail is transferred to railway cars. Mail is sorted on the train and bags are picked up and discharged en route. Bags are hauled by trucks and conveyors and sorted at the Chicago mail terminal. Shows U.S. mail airplane in flight and landing.
Information: 1923 BW 06:44 min (SILENT)
Show All Flashback 1920s - 1940s Titles U.S. Mail Transportation 1923