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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels: 1961 - August 3
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Synopsis: Airliner In Texas Hijacked By Father And Son Team, East Berlin Refugees Continue Their Escape To Freedom, Tunis - Bizerte Refugees, Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower And Chinese Premier Chen Cheng Meet, The Amazing Electric Typewriter On Display In New York, Gymnasts Put On Display Of Skills For Appreciative Crowds, Rock n' Roll River Rafting In Germany... (read more)
Information: 1961 6 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1960s Titles Newsreels: 1961 - August 3

United States
Airliner In Texas Hijacked By Father And Son Team
A nine hour ordeal of terror in EI Paso where a Continental Airlines jet is seized by a father and son who wanted to turn the plane over to Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro. All but three of the passengers, who are held as hostages, were released and the incident ended happily when the hijackers were subdued.

East Berlin Refugees Continue Their Escape To Freedom
The flight to freedom from East to West Berlin continues despite Soviet threats to close all traffic between the two sections of the city.

Tunis - Bizerte Refugees
The scars of battle are all over Bizerte as armed troops stand guard while prepared for any eventuality. The civilian population is on the move. For those who choose to remain, emergency supplies of food, bread, and milk are delivered by the truck load.

United States
Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower And Chinese Premier Chen Cheng Meet
Chen Cheng, Vice President and Premier of Nationalist China, payed a courtesy call on Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower on his farm in Gettysburg. The Free Chinese leader is paying a return call on Ike who was a visitor to Taiwan during his last year in office.

United States
The Amazing Electric Typewriter On Display In New York
A new electric machine does away with the typewriter carriage with a revolving drum that travels across the paper. It does everything but spell.

Gymnasts Put On Display Of Skills For Appreciative Crowds
Gymnasts of seventeen nations put on a show of muscular coordination en masse.

Rock n' Roll River Rafting In Germany
Teen-age rock n' rollers go on a water-borne hayride on a log raft down the Iser River. Crazy man, crazy.