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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1960 August 18
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Synopsis: President Dwight D. Eisenhower Responds To U-2 Spyplane Trial In Moscow, Balloonist Makes Record Ascent Then Jumps Out!, Baby Prince Andrew Travels To Scotland, Football's Amos Alonzo Stagg Celebrates 98th Birthday, Jet Ski Or Ski Sled Its Just Plain Fun Fun Fun... (read more)
Information: 1960 6 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1960s Titles Newsreels: 1960 - August 18

United States
President Dwight D. Eisenhower Responds To U-2 Spyplane Trial In Moscow
In Moscow, the wife and parents of U2 pilot Francis Gary Powers are present in the Hall Of Columns for his trial on espionage charges in a carefully stage drama intended to indict the United States itself.

In Washington D.C., President Dwight Eisenhower strongly denies the Soviet allegations against America and charges they are distorting the facts for propaganda purposes.

United States
Balloonist Makes Record Ascent Then Jumps Out!
From the New Mexico desert, Air Force balloonist Captain Joseph Kittinger, Jr., ascends 19 1/2 miles in an open gondola balloon; the highest non-powered flight ever and returns to earth with a freefall of 16 miles before opening his parachute; another remarkable record.

Baby Prince Andrew Travels To Scotland
Britain's 5-month old Prince Andrew takes a train to Scotland to join his mother and father, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip at Balmoral Castle. The tiny prince travels with a mountain of luggage in royal style.

United States
Football's Amos Alonzo Stagg Celebrates 98th Birthday
In Stockton, California there are 98 candles on the cake for Amos Alonzo Stagg, the grand old man of American Sports and the highest honor of the National Football Foundation for the all-time grid iron great.

United States
Jet Ski Or Jet Sled Its Just Plain Fun Fun Fun
On Long Island Waters, an outboard power ski-sled has water sports fans ga-ga and the girls all aflutter with eagerness for a spin on the fast moving craft; nimble as a waterbug, capable of 35 mph, unsinkable and so simple it's steered without a rudder. Just simply shift your weight left or right. This is the hottest thing afloat!