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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1964 March 30
Standard Definition - Quicktime: (24-hr. turnaround)
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Synopsis: Alaska Digs Out After The Greatest Earthquake Ever Recorded, NASA Unveils Its 'Lunar Lander', People The World Over Celebrate Easter... (read more)
Information: 1964 6 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1960s Titles Newsreels: 1964 - March 30

United States
Alaska Digs Out After The Greatest Earthquake Ever Recorded
Devastated Alaska begins the task of rebuilding after the greatest earthquake ever recorded. Anchorage was in the center of the severe shock that ripped down Fourth Avenue, the main shopping street where stores were crowded with week-end shoppers. The far-flung disaster area was spared, miraculously, large loss of life. Property damage and loss is staggering. Conservative estimate: $500,000,000.

In the residential district, in the coastal fishing towns, everywhere there is devastation. Kodiak, Sewarcd; towns that have almost been leveled have vowed to rebuild. Alaska, with the spirit of the pioneers, starts the gigantic task of recovery.

United States
NASA Unveils Its 'Lunar Lander'
Here is the strange device that Uncle Sam hopes will make history. This is the Lunar craft which will be carried to the vicinity of the Moon on the APOLLO spacecraft and then make a landing on the Lunar surface. Step right up – no crowding…..and make your reservations.

The World
People The World Over Celebrate Easter
The most glorious day on the Christian calendar – EASTER – is celebrated around the world from Vatican City to remote towns and villages. Easter sunrise services are held in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. Pope Paul VI gave an unprecedented Easter blessing “Urbi et orbi” to the world….embracing atheists and agnostics as well as believers. Services for The Unknown heroes are held in Washington. Thousands visit the grave of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.