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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1966 April 12
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Synopsis: Easter Ceremonies Around The World, Cruise Ship Viking Princess Catches Fire, Monument To Sir Winston Churchill Unveiled, New York Auto Show... (read more)
Information: 1966 6 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1960s Titles Newsreels: 1966 - April 12

Around The World
Easter Ceremonies Around The World
The lights of the worldwide ceremonies marking the dawn of Easter. Festivities of Fate from Yosemite Falls, Hollywood Bowl, St. Peter's Square in Rome and along New York's famous Fifth Avenue. Millions participate in a common demonstration of faith.

Cruise Ship Viking Princess Catches Fire
The cruise ship 'Viking Princess' on fire and billowing clouds of smoke is filmed in the waters of windward passage, between Haiti and Cuba. Only two deaths, and these by heart failure, marked the sea disaster, while the efficient crew manages to keep injuries to 10 during the abandoning of the stricken ship. The survivors are brought to Miami, Florida, from the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, the haven to which they were first taken by the rescue ships.

United States
Monument To Sir Winston Churchill Unveiled
At the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. Secretary of State Dean Russ unveils a 1,500 pound bronze statue of Sir Winston Churchill. The monument is a work of William McVey off Cleveland, Ohio, and features Winnie's famed victory gesture and his inevitable cigar.

United States
New York Auto Show
The international auto show at New York's Coliseum, an exhibit for auto fans of new model cars from all of the world. 500 displayed valued at $3 million with new safety devices for steering and braking features.