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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1966 June 21
Standard Definition - Quicktime: (24-hr. turnaround)
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Synopsis: Five Alarm Fire In Downtown Toledo, Newport To Bermuda Yacht Race, Parachuting Championships In Canada, Triple Fatality In President's Cup Regatta... (read more)
Information: 1966 6 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1960s Titles Newsreels: 1966 - June 21

United States
Five Alarm Fire In Downtown Toledo
A spectacular five alarm blaze races through a downtown Toledo paint Co. building, doing an estimated $50,000 damage. The blaze started from a midnight explosion, heard by a passing patrol car. A 3-hour, predawn battle by firefighters prevented a major disaster, since a four-story paint storage building is adjacent.

North Atlantic
Newport To Bermuda Yacht Race
A record breaking flotilla of 167 ships from nine countries sets sail from Newport under ideal conditions headed for Bermuda In the American Yachting Classic. Eight foreign countries are represented. Light breezes, the second day out, will prevent a record however.

Parachuting Championships In Canada
Skydivers compete at Winnipeg in the Canadian parachuting championships. Canada is picking its team for the world championships in Leipsig, East Germany, in August. Men and women compete, jumping from 6600 feet up, doing maneuvers, and hitting a target only 35 feet across.

United States
Triple Fatality In President's Cup Regatta
A triple-fatality, the worst in speedboat racing's history, marks the President's cup Regatta on the Potomac River in Washington. Miss Bardahl, driven by national champ Ryne Musson explodes, and later drivers Rex Manchester and Don Wilson are killed when their boat's collide. It's the blackest day in the history of hydroplane racing.