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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1961 May 4
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Synopsis: Communists Celebrate May Day In Moscow, Queen Elizabeth Of England Visits Italy, President Habib Bourguiba Of Tunisia Visits United States, Amphibious Car Is Shown To Public, Gymnastic Finals In Germany, College Rodeo... (read more)
Information: 1961 7 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1960s Titles Newsreels: 1961 - May 4

Russia And Cuba
Communists Celebrate May Day In Moscow
The May Day celebration and parade in Moscow gives the Russians a chance to crow long and loud over the West; for the theme running through the parade is their triumph in space. The guest of honor, of course, is Astronaut Yuri Gagarin, first man to orbit the earth. Nikita Khrushchev with Yuri Gagarin.The face of a peoples whose leaders would wipe out Democracy.

Closer to the United states, 90 miles away to be exact, Dictator Fidel Castro marks the occasion of May Day to formally admit that Cuba is a Socialist State, and to say that there'll be no more elections.

Queen Elizabeth Of England Visits Italy
For the first time in decades a reigning British Monarch visits Italy on a State visit. Queen Elizabeth receives a warm welcome in Rome preliminary to her visit to the Vatican.

United States
President Habib Bourguiba Of Tunisia Visits United States
Arriving in Washington, President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia is welcomed by President John F. Kennedy JFK. President Bourguiba was the leader in his country's fight for Independence from France.

Amphibious Car Is Shown To Public
Tired of crowded highways? Here's your answer, maybe; the Amphicar, an amphibious automobile that is equally at home driving on the road or sailing on water.

Gymnastic Finals In Germany
The finals in the Germany gymnastic championships sees three of the country’s top athletes competing for the title. They put on an amazing show on the parallel bars, the horse, and on the flying rings. Excellent Gymnastic footage.

United States
College Rodeo
This is the college of hard knocks all right. The Southwest State Teachers College stages its own Rodeo and It’s an educational event at the hard seat of learning. The girls (women) try their hand at bull riding on steers. The guys try the real thing; bull riding.