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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1953 October 8
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Synopsis: Boy's Kidnap And Murder In Kansas City Shocks Nation, President Dwight D. Eisenhower Addresses Church Women On H-Bomb, Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visits Far East, More U.S. Jet Fighter Bombers Sent To Formosa, Former Prime Minister Eamon De Valera Of Ireland Journey's To Portugal Shrine, South American Youths Visit White House, Yugoslavia Conducts Military Exercise, Sports Fashion Show In Puerto Rico, Annual Colorado River Marathon... (read more)
Information: 1953 7 min BW
Show All Newsreels 1950s Titles Newsreels: 1953 - October 8

Boy's Kidnap And Murder In Kansas City Shock Nation
On-the-spot films document the brutal kidnapping and murder of 6 year old Bobby Greenlease, the school he was abducted from, the pitiful grave that covered him even before the ransom was paid; and the two captured members of the trio whose brutal crime, one of the most shocking of our time, has aroused an outraged Nation to call for swift retribution.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower Addresses Church Women On H-Bomb
Addressing the National Assembly of United Church Women in Atlantic City, President Eisenhower speaks on atomic weapons, and what America must do to survive in an age of nuclear fission and fusion.

Vice President Richard M. Nixon Visits Far East
Vice President and Mrs. Nixon emplane for a good-will tour of the Far East. He’ll report to President Dwight D. Eisenhower upon return.

More U.S. Jet Fighter Bombers Sent To Formosa
New fighter bombers to strengthen the defense of Chiang Kai Shek’s island fortress as U.S. jets arrive under the Mutual Defense Assistance Program between our two countries.

Former Prime Minister Eamon De Valera Of Ireland Journey's To Portugal Shrine
Among the thousands of pilgrims to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal is former Prime Minister of Eire, Eamon De Valera.

South American Youths Visit White House
A junior good-will delegation of South American teenagers calls on President Dwight D. Eisenhower before setting out to tour the U.S.

Yugoslavia Conducts Military Exercise
NATO observers see Yugoslavia’s army stage full scale war games under the eyes of Marshal Josip Tito. An impressive display of our Balkan ally’s military might.

Puerto Rico
Sports Fashion Show In Puerto Rico
Fashion experts and critics from the mainland get a preview of sports fashions for the coming year. Vivacious models in equally vivacious costumes with a practical touch for U.S. girls.

Annual Colorado River Marathon
One hundred and ten splinter jockeys launch their outboards in the annual Colorado River Marathon, one of the longest, certainly the most treacherous of its kind. 73 come back; the winner in the good time of two hours and 33 minutes for the rugged course.