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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1952 September 15
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Synopsis: Fighter-Bombers Blast North Korea Targets, GOP Closes Ranks As Adlai Campaigns, Air Force, Eleven Beats Marine Football Team, Miss America Comes Home (read more)
Information: 1952 6 min BW (SILENT)
Show All Newsreels 1950s Titles Newsreels: 1952 - September 15

Fighter-Bombers Blast North Korea Targets
Fighter-bombers clash at North Korea targets in a new intensified assault, telegraphing their punches with advance warning leaflets to selected targets. Despite a fore-warned for, they arrive on schedule, bearing destruction to strategic marks.

United States
GOP Closes Ranks As Adlai Campaigns
Democratic Presidential nominee Adlai Stevenson revisits the house where he was born, on a campaign swing through the Far West. He praises the region for its contribution to the nation’s progress. While in New York Senator Robert Taft meets with GOP Presidential nominee “Ike” Eisenhower, in a move to heal party splits caused by convention efforts. “Mr. Republican” says he’s firmly behind the party nominee.

United States
Air Force Eleven Beats Marine Football Team
Quantico Marines and Air Force “Generals” meet on the gridiron in traditional clash. Former Michigan State Star Al Darow leads the “Generals” in an upset victory over favored Marines. Score, 14-6.

United States
Miss America Comes Home
Miss America returns in triumph, bearing the crown of beauty. Lovely Neva Jane Langley is acclaimed by her hometown, in the biggest, happiest welcome ever.