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Public Domain Stock Footage Newsreels 1964 October 1
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Synopsis: Hurricane 'Hilda' Leaves Heavy Destruction In Its Wake, Undersea Cameras Locate The Navy Submarine 'Thresher', College Football: Notre Dame vs. Purdue... (read more)
Information: 1964 BW 05:45 min
Show All Newsreels 1960s Titles Newsreels: 1964 - October 1
United States
Hurricane 'Hilda' Leaves Heavy Destruction In Its Wake
The eighth major hurricane of the season roars through seven states before blowing herself out. In the low-lying towns along the Gulf of Mexico, more than 150,000 people are evacuated to safety as Police, National Guardsmen and Civil Defense workers to on disaster alert. Their rescue efforts go off like clockwork. The death toll is held to 37 persons, a remarkably small number for such a storm. The sugar crop is badly damaged and authorities have not yet attempted to assess the overall financial loss.

United States
Undersea Cameras Locate The Navy Submarine 'Thresher'
The long search to find the hulk of the atomic submarine USS Thresher is led by the bathyscaph 'Trieste' and the specially-equipped 'Mizar' in the Atlantic off Boston. Remarkable underwater cameras succeed in locating and photographing the wreckage, solving part of the mystery; just where the submarine U.S.S.Thresher rested. Still unanswered: the cause of the disaster.

United States
College Football: Notre Dame vs. Purdue
Notre Dame takes on the Boilermakers of Purdue in the first home game of the season for the Irish and they do right handy behind the fine quarterbacking of John Huarte. With a new Coach, Notre Dame is said to have a 'new look' this season. If this is it, let all teams beware. Notre Dame winds up winner, 34 to 15.