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Public Domain Stock Footage The World Behind The Headlines
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Synopsis: Images of newspaper headlines of world events from the 1950s and historical stock footage of these events...
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Information: 24 min BW
Show All Flashback 1950s Titles The World Behind The Headlines

Bundle of newspapers dropped at curb, newspaper boy selling papers on the street. Various scenes of an agitated, disable man with a cane hurriedly walking deserted city streets in the early morning hours in search of a refuge from disturbing world events.

01:05:22;20 CU Image and sound of a steam ship whistle, scenes of ships in a harbor. The Times-Herald newspaper headlines reads “New H-Bomb Test Planned”. Shows mushroom cloud rising from atomic bomb (nuclear) bomb blast.

01:07:41;04 Newspaper article reads “UN Seeks Refugee Aid”. Various scenes and images of Korean War refugees; men, women and children refugees during the Korean War.

01:08:51;17 Images of a moving subway train, Images of passengers on subway train. Newspaper headline reads “ Two Killed In Teenage Gunfight”. Shows teenagers apprehended by police, confrontation between police and groups of young people in a large city.

01:10:07;16 Newspaper article reads “New Racial Violence”. Scenes and images of white patrons in a diner attacking Black patrons. Sign reads “Fountain Closed In Interest of Public Safety”. Civil rights marchers carry signs that read “Civil Rights For All” and “Segregation Is Bad For Business”. Shows Police putting protestors in Police Van (Police Paddy wagon).

01:11:16;06 Newspaper article reads “Rising Tide of Nationalism Around The World”. Scenes of riots. Shows rioters and protests around the world as Police try to control rioters.

01:13:16;18 Newspaper headlines read “Disarmament Talks Fail”. Scenes of destruction of buildings, injuries, and death caused by war.

01:14:37;17 Scenes depict a woman addicted to alcohol (woman alcoholic) that is struck and killed by an automobile on a city street.

01:16:45;26 An injured Korean War veteran finds World events are overwhelming and seeks answers in a church during a counseling session.

01:18:40;19 Image of a “Chaplain's Jeep” in Korea and a Chaplain talking and working with Korean children. Good deeds by man, Christian education and study of the bible can change the world.