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Public Domain Stock Footage Doctors Without Borders Oddur Somalia 1993
NTSC Quicktime format: (24 hr. turn-around)
PAL Quicktime format: (24 hr. turn-around)
Timecode Preview: 24-hr. turnaround
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Synopsis: Activities of Medecins Sans Frontiers (MSF), Doctors Without Borders, in the village of Oddur, Somalia in 1993. Graphic scenes of men, women, and children suffering from malnutrition and facing death by starvation... (read more plus shot list)
Information: 1993 09:36 min COL
Show All Contemporary Tragedies And Disasters Titles Oddur Somalia 1993
Somalia, a country located in the Horn of Africa, suffered a severe famine from 1991 to 1993 during which thousands died of starvation. In 1993 Doctors Without Borders visited Oddur, Somalia for the purpose of setting up feeding kitchens to feed the weakest people most near death and improve sanitation conditions. Graphic scenes of men, women, and children suffering from malnutrition and facing death by starvation. Scenes five months later after French Forces had secured the village and airport area and after an American C-130 had continued to fly-in food and medicine. Shows More healthy and happy children smiling and playing.

Shot List of Stock Footage (start web movie at time code shown for each clip)

01:01:00:12 Using scale to weigh baby and record weight.

01:02:23:14 C-130 Hercules aircraft lands on landing strip or runway.

01:02:36:12 Hand holding whole wheat kernels that has not been ground or processed.

01:03:13:09 Grinding whole kernels of wheat using pestle and mortar bowl.

01:03:49;04 Unsanitary water well used by animals and people.

01:03:57:05 Open sewage trench and open cesspool. 

01:05:20:05 French Forces that secured the village and airport areas, French flag waves in breeze in background.

01:05:52:02 Group of smiling children, Somalia. 

01:08:33:01 View from ground of C-130 plane with nose art coming for landing, Point of view (POV) of C-130 Hercules pilot landing in Somalia.